Vanilla Maple Almond Cashew Butter

October 27, 2014

Vanilla Maple Almond Cashew Butter

It’s Halloween week people. Time to raise the dead.
Nah, more like put your kids in a cool costume: it's time for some Treats 'n Tricks!
I’ve just heard on the news that the most popular kids' costume this year is going to be Elsa from Disney’s Frozen.
Apparently, thousands of girls have been waiting since December 2013 for their moment to 'Let it go’ this Halloween.
So expect a lot ice princesses knocking on your door.
It's such a phenomenon, someone has even suggested a new drinking game: “Drink every time a Elsa visits your house.”
Which might not be a very good idea after all - especially if a lot of Elsas will show up asking for candies. You don’t want to be “the drunk guy” that terrorises kids. Or do you?

Pizzadilla (aka Quesadilla Pizza)

October 24, 2014

Pizzadilla (aka Quesadilla Pizza)

Let’s get this out of the way. My name is Mike, and I’m addicted to reddit.
There, I said it.
I spend a lot of time on reddit, probably more than I should, but it’s definitely one of the first things that I check in the morning.
It feeds my need for novelty as it’s always filled with new information and pictures. Perfect.Addiction.Material.
If you don’t know much about it or have been puzzled by the site if you’ve ever tried to check it out, let me explain you briefly what it’s about.
Reddit is an entertainment/social/news site where users can submit content, from text post, to direct links, photos, gifs, music or just anything else.
Unlike Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, reddit is an open network — in that you don’t have to be friends  or have followers to see content or for others to see what you're doing.
Reddit is an unflinching democracy, where you can post/do/say (almost) anything you want. Making it a happy abode for all who enter.
Users can upvote or downvote content. The most frequently upvoted content gets to the top of the page, while content that’s ignored or downvoted isn’t likely to be seen by anyone.

Roast Pork Loin with Vinegar and Sage

October 22, 2014

Roast Pork Loin with Vinegar and Sage

This recipe is for my friend Tony.
Because he L-O-V-E-S vinegar.
Not as in drinking vinegar neat from the bottle, but as in brewing his own vinegar, using more vinegar than oil in salad dressing (or, as I like to call it, the “reversed ratio” dressing), and dousing fries in vinegar like it’s going out of style.
So when I told him about my mom’s recipe for a mean roast pork loin with vinegar he was like “Duuuude, I need that recipe! Please dude please dude really dude dude dude dude dude dude duuuude!
So I was like “Dude, chillax. I’ll give you the d*!n recipe
And he was like “Dude for realz. I need it!
And I was like “Dude, give me a break!
And he was like “Yeah dude

Almond-Poppy Crackers

October 20, 2014

Almond-Poppy Crackers
On a lazy Sunday afternoon, I found myself flipping through my mom’s Martha Stewart Living magazines looking for recipes.
Which is odd for me.
Not the “looking for recipes” part, I do that all the time. But the Martha Stewart Living mag part.
First off, I'm admittedly a Food & Wine Magazine guy.
I love Food & Wine magazine; I would not trade it for any other food magazine out there. It provides me with recipes and tons of inspiration.
Together with Triathlete, Kinfolk, Time and The New Yorker, Food & Wine is the only printed magazine I think it’s still worth buying.

15-Minute Caramelized Black Pepper Chicken

October 17, 2014

15-Minute Caramelized Black Pepper Chicken

Who doesn’t love burpees?
Raise your hands up where I can see them.
Oh, wow, that many of you? Really?
Burpees are C-O-O-L! I don’t know why they get such a bad rep.

Thai Pork and Zoodle Salad

October 15, 2014

Thai Pork and Zoodle Salad

I was reading an article the other day about how to be successful in life. In particular, it talked about how the questions you ask yourself every day determine the kind of life you lead.
Because those questions trigger answers that lead to actions.
So if you ask yourself limiting questions, you’ll get limited results. If, instead you ask yourself forwarding questions, you set no boundaries to what you can achieve in life.
I thought about it for a moment: what questions do I most often ask myself every day?

Creamy Coconut Eggplant Curry

October 13, 2014

Creamy Coconut Eggplant Curry
I love having people over for lunch, dinner, coffee, whatever, but the reality is that it’s getting increasingly challenging to invite people and have any idea what to offer them.
It seems like everyone has some sort of dietary restrictions and/or preferences these days, and finding something that everyone can eat is often fairly difficult.
It’s a serious matter too: an allergy (such as peanut or shellfish allergy) can be life threatening.
A food intolerance is usually a less serious condition - in that it doesn’t involve the immune system - but still, it should never be taken lightly.
A food preference is different though.
Some people don’t like fish. Others eat no meat, egg or dairy. I, for one, am not a big fan of gluten or refined sugars — but I don’t get sick if I eat a slice of pizza or a bagel.
These are personal choices, but they should be respected nonetheless.
I consider myself a tolerant person and what a person does in their own living-quarters has always been entirely their own business.

Chocolate Chunk Almond Butter Cookies

October 8, 2014

Chocolate Chunk Almond Butter Cookies

I respect fellow bloggers and each person's choices.
I respect fellow bloggers that keep it real and honest all the time.
I respect fellow bloggers who donate their time and talents to publish beautiful pictures, wise words, great recipes and innovative ideas.
Fellow bloggers who educate, entertain and enlighten me daily.
I’m very proud of being part of this immense community, because it allows me to do something that I thought it was not possible to do: share my passions.
But today allow me to rant a little about something that is currently happening in the food blogosphere.
I just need to get it off my chest.
What’s up with these ridiculous brownies/cookies/bars/cupcakes, that seem to appear everywhere and that are basically an amalgam of multiple desserts smushed together?
Like cupcakes stuffed with cheesecake, topped with oreos, topped with refrigerated cookie dough, with some crunched up pretzels, topped with dulce de leche and sprinkle of caramel popcorn.
I’m not sure how this trend took off, but it’s a trend, and I don’t think it’s for the greater good.

Asian Glazed Meatballs

October 6, 2014

Asian Glazed Meatballs

Be honest, how good are you with chopsticks?
World Champ, pretty good, alright or a total disaster?
I myself wouldn’t say I'm an expert at using them, nor I would win any prize for artistic impression, but I’m okay at getting food into my mouth at a honest pace.
Sometimes I get impatient though, and just stab the food with the chopsticks (sashimi anyone?), or if I am eating noodles I just twirl it around.
But I’m not as bad as some of my friends, who cannot pick up a thing with them, and when they do, they always end up flinging the food over the other side of the table.
Except for Fred, he is kinda awesome at using chopsticks, but he has lived in Hong Kong for 3 years and has really stepped up his chopstick skills while he was there.

Chocolate Almond Butter

October 3, 2014

Chocolate Almond Butter

Last week I killed my food processor that I had for about 10 years. It was sad, but life goes on.
I considered hiring a ninja to replace the deceased kitchen tool.
Think about it for a moment, a ninja - in addition to mixing, chopping, blending and grating food - could be sent on missions to track down secrets, have enemies assassinated or plant misinformation. SIK.
But then I thought: wait, where would I “store” a ninja?
I couldn’t possibly leave him on the countertop or on a shelf (talking about crowding up your kitchen, right?)
Not to mention that I would need to feed him. And what does a ninja eat, say, for breakfast?
Moreover, what if he’s one of those people that wakes up super cranky in the morning. I certainly don’t want an angry ninja walking around my apt at 7am chopping my furniture.
Nah, too much of an hassle and not really a good idea after all.

Sunny-Side Up Egg with Avocado, Sriracha and Crumbled Feta

October 1, 2014

Sunny-Side Up Egg with Avocado, Sriracha and Crumbled Feta

Cooking is a feel-good activity for me. I feel happy, comforted even inspired when I cook.
But just like everybody else, I’m sometimes (oh hell...let’s say “often”) too tired or don't have the time to cook.
Especially at dinner time, after a long day, when I get home all I want to do is relax.
Even I, the triathlete dude that steps into the kitchen and transforms into a culinary Bruce Lee (yup people, that’s how I see myself) waves white flag.

Easy Pad Thai Zoodles

September 29, 2014

Easy Pad Thai Zoodles
I like it when you spot a recipe that you know is going to be fantastic and you just happen to have the ingredients on hand.
But what I like even more is when you have ingredients you want to use in a new way, and you spot a recipe that can be cut to fit what’s on hand.
There it was.
The perfect recipe.
Pad Thai Zoodles.
Exactly what I felt like eating. I wanted to jump up and high five someone.
But there was no one there. No matter. There would be by the time I finished cooking.

Makeover Time!

September 25, 2014

Guys, can I get a WOOT WOOT?
I honestly think I deserve it.
Sooooo new look. BAM! TheIronYou got a complete makeover, just like that.

Easy Creamy Crock-Pot Coconut Curry Chicken

September 24, 2014

Easy Creamy Crock-Pot Coconut Curry Chicken
See that right there?
That's today's lunch, and last night's dinner, and yesterday’s lunch and it’s going to be tonight’s dinner too.
That’s just the way it is.

Ultimate Sesame Coconut Chicken Fingers with Minty Yogurt Dip

September 22, 2014

Ultimate Sesame Coconut Chicken Fingers with Minty Yogurt Dip

Let’s be honest, sometimes being a dude blogger is tough.
The blogosphere is pretty much run by girls, moms, women.
Which is not a bad thing, at all. In fact, it is a very good thing, making the blogging world a kinder, more amiable place.
But there are certain topics - important to us, men - that are kinda off-limits in the blogosphere.
Such as consuming ridiculous amounts of cheap swill, farting in a crowded elevator, world’s loudest belcher, top drinking games, et cetera, et cetera. [Yes women of the world, though we look mature, we still think/act like kiddos — we haven’t grown up a bit!]
At the same time, we can’t talk about sparkles, rainbows, unicorns and glitter and expect to be taken seriously. We don’t have the knowledge to do it. Plus, we will subject ourselves to public humiliation and private doubt.

Easy Ginger, Chili and Lemon Salmon

September 19, 2014

Easy Ginger, Chili and Lemon Salmon

Okay, yes, we’ve all heard about how good fish oil is for us: it promotes joints and heart health, improves the brain and memory, and reduces inflammation.
We also know that it's important to eat at least two servings of seafood a week as part of a balanced diet — because taking fish oil capsules is not the same as eating the real thing.
But we’ve also got to be considerate of the fact that we’re not alone in this world, and that by bringing to the office (or other professional setting) something that smells like a Port-A-John on a hot summer day, we can seriously damage workplace productivity and our reputation too.
I, for instance, had this co-worker once who insisted on bringing and microwaving fish that smelled like it was marinated in cat food.
The kitchen was centrally located, so it ensured that the entire office would smell like a fishing dock in 90° heat.
No one ever complained to him about it, because technically he wasn’t doing anything wrong. We just resented him and plotted for revenge. He was also referred to as the “effin fish guy!”

Hasselback Zucchini with Garlic Thyme Butter and Parmesan

September 17, 2014

Hasselback Zucchini with Garlic Thyme Butter and Parmesan

So...hasselback zucchini (also known as accordion zucchini): why hasn’t anyone told me about this delicious dish before?
More precisely, why haven't YOU told me about it?
I’m aware that withholding information is not lying, but the purpose and the effect are the same, and it’s not cool, at all.
Even though I live on the saying “Forgive and Forget” and that I’m not good at holding grudges, I will hold a grudge and I will not forgive or forget this.
I’m actually so enraged, I still haven’t made up my mind yet whether to give you the recipe or not.
I need more time to think about it.
For the moment enjoy the pictures; because that's the only thing you're getting from me.

Cauliflower Noodle Lasagna

September 15, 2014

Cauliflower Noodle Lasagna

Guys, I think I’ve peaked at this cauliflower crust thing.
I’ve made pizza, calzone, pizzettes, tortillas to use for an enchilada, garlic breadsticks, stromboli, grilled cheese, bechamel, panini, bagels and today noodles to use for lasagna.
And with that, the well of my creativity has officially run dry.
In a way it’s very freeing because I know it’s going to be all downhill from here.
I don’t have to think anymore about how to turn cauliflower into pizza dough, bread, tortillas or noodles.
I’m going to spend the rest of my life really chill and from now when I see a cauliflower head I’ll just say “I peaked. Wow. What a great run!”

(Paleo) Almond-Berry Tartlets

September 12, 2014

(Paleo) Almond-Berry Tartlets

As much as I love fall, I'm not ready to let summer go yet.
I've been noticing some leaves changing in the park, but I'm trying to ignore them and pretend I don't see them.
I think I’ve said “I can’t believe it’s September already” a million times over the last couple of days.
I’ve even cracked the joke “Wake me up when September ends” a dozen times or more, and it just isn’t funny anymore.
The dark evenings are approaching with dread but I’m not ready to go into hibernation mode.
People, what happened to sitting out in the bright until 9pm?

Chocolate Caramel Avocado Brownies

September 10, 2014

Chocolate Caramel Avocado Brownies

One of the words that are way overused is “awesome”.
Everyone (including myself - I am actually the worst offender) just throw that term on the table like they are giving out change in a toll-booth.
We use it so much, I believe we’re all starting to get a little desensitized to that word — it doesn’t mean anything to anyone anymore.
Think about the things we daily describe as "awesome"...are they really awesome?
Because we’re doing it without even evaluating the traits that make up the word.
Awesome is an adjective which means “causing awe, inspiring wonder or excitement.”
Are we really feeling a “reverential wonder” when we bite into a big juicy “awesome” burger?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Still, the English language is not short on words that can have the same meaning of, or hold just as much power as, awesome.
Amazing, fantastic, excellent, great, incredible, outstanding, superb, terrific are all semantically similar words that can be used in lieu of awesome.