Showing posts with label Easy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easy. Show all posts

(Vegan) Crock-Pot Thai Red Curry Lentils

December 30, 2016

(Vegan) Crock-Pot Thai Red Curry Lentils

Guys, I have a brand new crock-pot.
I found it under the Christmas tree, all wrapped by Santa Claus. How awesome is that?
But let’s start from the beginning.
About a month ago my old crock-pot died an unnatural death (I won’t tell you how though).
Since that day I felt lost and alone.
You see, I use my crock-pot many many times a week. I make a bunch of things with it: chicken tikka masala, pulled pork, roasted red pepper sauce, bolognese sauce, just to name a few.
I consider it one of the best inventions ever. I can't fathom going through a winter without a crock-pot.
So imagine how I was feeling. Mike without slow cooker -> disaster.

Quick Lemon Broccoli Pasta Skillet

December 6, 2016

Quick Lemon Broccoli Pasta Skillet

Surely, you didn’t think I was going to let this year end without populating the broccoli archives with one new recipe, right?
I mean, sure, the Broccoli and Mushroom Casserole is still a star. The Creamy Broccoli Soup always gets raves. And so does Chinese Chicken and Broccoli.
But when you have a nephew that likes broccoli — scratch that — LOVES broccoli, you’re always on the hunt for new and advanced ways to prepare the beloved green cruciferous vegetable.
These days, I’ll find a recipe for a broccoli dish in a magazine and be like “Man I have to make this for Nephew!
I’m such an awesome uncle, I should get a medal...

(Paleo) Cinnamon Sugar Donut Muffins

November 29, 2016

 If you know anything about me, I guess you know that my love for cinnamon runs deep as my love for soup.
I actually keep two different kinds of cinnamon in my pantry.
Yup, that’s right. I have two kinds of cinnamon — please, don’t act like you’re surprised.
It’s no mystery that I'm a spice freak. I have more than a hundred spices in my pantry and like to grind my own spice mixes using whole spices. I even broke two coffee grinders trying to grind spices in them before buying myself an (almost) professional Electric Spice-and-Nut Grinder, that grounds hard and soft spices and breaks them all down in a few pulses.

(Easy) Bacon Spaghetti Aglio Olio

November 9, 2016

(Easy) Bacon Spaghetti Aglio Olio

Being a healthy food blogger (and a triathlete) is a give-in that I exercise.
And I do. Every day.
Although there are times when I feel like I’m not doing all I can, I always manage to fit in some exercise: run, or swim, or cycle, or practice yoga.
The other night I felt especially accomplished after completing a 10 mile run, followed by a 45 minutes HIIT cardio and abs workout, and a gentle stretch yoga class.
So accomplished that I decided I deserved a special dinner, a carb-o-licious dinner (also known as carbageddon).

(Easy) One-Pot Turmeric Chicken and Rice

October 5, 2016

Easy One-Pot Turmeric Chicken and Rice

There’s no doubt that one-pot meals are the best, easiest weeknight dinner solution, ever.
We can go even as far as saying that they’re almost a miracle when you need to cook but just don’t have the time or energy to do it.
Don’t feel like cooking? But look — it’s dinner in one pot!
Don’t feel like creating a pile of dishes? But it’s just one pot! (And a spoon, a plate, a fork, and knife but shhh, I don’t want to scare you off.)
Have a lot of friends coming over?
No more picking main, planning sides and veggies, running the stove, oven, and microwave at the same time. One pot and you’ve got a full-blown meal.
Everyone arriving at different times?
Don’t worry, one-pot meals are very forgiving of tardiness.