What are your favorite workout songs that you secretly jam to?
You know, those songs that you get super pumped to, but that if by accident someone hears what you’re listening to, you have a backup line ready to justify why you’re listening to it.
Something like “I usually don’t listen to this crap but this is my roommate’s iPod. I picked it up by mistake this morning!"
Personally speaking, I have quite a few songs on my iPod I know for a fact I would get laughed at by my friends.
I call them my “power songs” (I know, I’m such a nerd!)
When I’m running and need that extra push, I crank ‘em up and BAM I immediately feel like Road Runner going “Meep meep!”
Well, I’ve grown sick and tired of hiding my shame playlists (or shamelists if you will) in the shadows. I want to come out into the light and share the music that I so secretly love.